sábado, 25 de abril de 2020


Soulaymane es un voluntario de Marruecos que está haciendo su proyecto de Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad en Basida Manzanares, donde trabaja con personas con dependencia y con diferentes enfermedades. En estos tiempos de crisis ha decidido quedarse en su proyecto y así está siendo su experiencia. Este programa está financiado por la Comisión Europea y a través del mismo los jóvenes aprenden los valores europeos e interculturales que les ayudarán a construir una mejor sociedad ✨

Gracias Soulaymane por todo tu esfuerzo, trabajo y apoyo!🍀

Aquí va su testimonio:

My experience with Basida is mixed of beautiful and hard but rewarding. It's people are so amazing, the world needs more people like them.
There are many people waiting to be take care of, waiting for a hug, a smile and I am lucky enough to take part of this project, to be helping others and learning at the same time.
During this 3 months, it seems to be a short term, but I have learned a lot and still.
It developed my sense of empathy as well as to step out of my comfort zone. To smile even if I don't feel like, not hypocrisy, I believe it's what these people deserve.
I also understood the importance of volunteering in the resident's life and how meaningful it is.
I have tried different Spanish typical foods and plates and learned how to make both tortilla and paella😋.
Since Spanish is a language I always want to master, I got here the chance to practice with native speakers and also make lifelong friends.

#UESolidarityCorps #europeansolidaritycorps #eusolidaritycorps #europeansolidarity #cuerpoeuropeodesolidaridad #volunteering #voluntariado #erasmusplus #evs



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