martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


Aida es una voluntaria que hace poco terminó su proyecto de Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad en Ioannina (Grecia), en el que trabajó con refugiados. 
Gracias Aida por todo tu esfuerzo, trabajo y apoyo!🍀

Aquí va su testimonio:

I spent two magics months in Ioannina, where I learned a lot of things.
I was there in order to plan and implement recreational, educational and monitoring activities for refugee/asylum seeker children in Agia Eleni. The second week, I started teaching Spanish to young adults of Ioannina and I also joined the Arabic class in Agia Eleni.
Fortunately, I learned more than what I thought; I learned Arabic and Greek, I improved my guitar playing skills, I started doing theatre, I tasted Ukrainian food and Arabic deserts and I discovered villages and mountains hiking’s with my friends. Although I knew more about the situation of the refugees and the different projects that are taking place, the most important thing I learned from was life. I learned that people who have less give you more, everything they have they always share with you to thank you for your help.
I discovered that these people smile all the time, in this poor situation you can always find a smile on their faces. We can’t forget it when we get stressed by something that in comparison is quite more insignificant than having a house, food or freedom.
I learned to be happy with myself and value all the things and people that I have.
During this time, I made very good friends and nowadays, after I left, I keep in contact with them by video calls.
I hope to come back to see them again face to face.
PS: Everyday I tried to draw and write about the experience and now I would like to share some of my creation to show my experience to others.
Aida :)

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